Who are we
We are a group of volunteers supported by Stafford Borough Council. Our aim is to improve access for all, mothers with prams, wheelchair users, those with walking problems and those with health problems which limit their activities.

We raise awareness of the issues, make representations about access problems and campaign for improved provision.

We have no political affilliations.
We meet in the Borough Offices usually on the second Monday of alternate months. Some meetings may continue online depending on circumstance.

Next meeting
Monday 22nd July2024
11:00 am.

Next AGM
Monday 22nd July 2024.
10:00 am.

Committee members:
Chair  Peter Jones
Secretary  Beryl Metcalf
Treasurer  Violet Cummings
Attendee  the Mayor of Stafford.
Accessibility News

No current news.
Opening doors towards an accessible future
Charity 1082680 Constituted 21/6/1999 Supported by Stafford Borough Council
© 2016-2017 Stafford & District Access Group (SDAG) All Rights Reserved